Recent Publications

Re, C., A. Fennema, E. Simioni, S. Sutton, D. M{\`e}ge, K. Gwinner, M. J{\'o}zefowicz, G. Munaretto, M. Pajola, A. Petrella, A. Pommerol, G. Cremonese, and N. Thomas, (2022), CaSSIS-based stereo products for Mars after three years in orbit, Planetary and Space Science, 219, 105515, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2022.105515.

Guimpier, A., S.~J. Conway, M. Pajola, A. Lucchetti, E. Simioni, C. Re, A. Noblet, N. Mangold, N. Thomas, G. Cremonese, and CaSSIS Team, (2022), Pre-landslide topographic reconstruction in Baetis Chaos, mars using a CaSSIS Digital Elevation Model, Planetary and Space Science, 218, 105505, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2022.105505.

Fernandes, M., A. Pletl, N. Thomas, A.~P. Rossi, and B. Elser, (2022), Generation and Optimization of Spectral Cluster Maps to Enable Data Fusion of CaSSIS and CRISM Datasets, Remote Sensing, 14, 2524, doi:10.3390/rs14112524.

Munaretto, G., M. Pajola, A. Lucchetti, G. Cremonese, E. Simioni, C. Re, S. Bertoli, L. Tornabene, A.~S. McEwen, P. Becerra, V.~G. Rangarajan, A. Valantinas, A. Pommerol, N. Thomas, and G. Portyankina, (2022), Multiband photometry of Martian Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) and dust-removed features at Horowitz crater, Mars from TGO/CaSSIS color observations, Planetary and Space Science, 214, 105443, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2022.105443.

Bowen, A.~P., J. Bridges, L. Tornabene, L. Mandon, C. Quantin-Nataf, M.~R. Patel, N. Thomas, G. Cremonese, G. Munaretto, A. Pommerol, and M. Pajola, (2022), A CaSSIS and HiRISE map of the Clay-bearing Unit at the ExoMars 2022 landing site in Oxia Planum, Planetary and Space Science, 214, 105429, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2022.105429.

Pajola, M., R. Pozzobon, S. Silvestro, F. Salese, S. Rossato, L. Pompilio, G. Munaretto, L. Teodoro, A. Kling, E. Simioni, A. Lucchetti, L.~L. Tornabene, L. Marinangeli, A.~C. Tangari, J. Wilson, G. Cremonese, M. Massironi, and N. Thomas, (2022), Geology, in-situ resource-identification and engineering analysis of the Vernal crater area (Arabia Terra): A suitable Mars human landing site candidate, Planetary and Space Science, 213, 105444, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2022.105444.

Thomas, N., A. Pommerol, M. Almeida, M. Read, G. Cremonese, E. Simioni, G. Munaretto, and T. Weigel, (2022), Absolute calibration of the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS), Planetary and Space Science, 211, 105394, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2021.105394.

Valantinas, A., P. Becerra, A. Pommerol, L.~L. Tornabene, L. Affolter, G. Cremonese, E. Hauber, A.~S. McEwen, G. Munaretto, M. Pajola, A.~P. Bowen, M.~R. Patel, V.~G. Rangarajan, N. Schorghofer, and N. Thomas, (2021), CaSSIS Color and multi-angular observations of martian slope streaks, Planetary and Space Science, 209, 105373, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2021.105373.

Guimpier, A., S.~J. Conway, A. Mangeney, A. Lucas, N. Mangold, M. Peruzzetto, M. Pajola, A. Lucchetti, G. Munaretto, T. S{\ae}mundsson, A. Johnsson, L. Le Deit, P. Grindrod, J. Davis, N. Thomas, and G. Cremonese, (2021), Dynamics of recent landslides ($\lt$20 My) on Mars: Insights from high-resolution topography on Earth and Mars and numerical modelling, Planetary and Space Science, 206, 105303, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2021.105303.

Tao, Y., S. Xiong, S.~J. Conway, J.-P. Muller, A. Guimpier, P. Fawdon, N. Thomas, and G. Cremonese, (2021), Rapid Single Image-Based DTM Estimation from ExoMars TGO CaSSIS Images Using Generative Adversarial U-Nets, Remote Sensing, 13, 2877, doi:10.3390/rs13152877.

Tao, Y., S. Dout{\'e}, J.-P. Muller, S.~J. Conway, N. Thomas, and G. Cremonese, (2021), Ultra-High-Resolution 1 m/pixel CaSSIS DTM Using Super-Resolution Restoration and Shape-from-Shading: Demonstration over Oxia Planum on Mars, Remote Sensing, 13, 2185, doi:10.3390/rs13112185.

Munaretto, G., M. Pajola, A. Lucchetti, C. Re, G. Cremonese, E. Simioni, P. Cambianica, and N. Thomas, (2021), Topographic correction of HiRISE and CaSSIS images: Validation and application to color observations of Martian albedo features, Planetary and Space Science, 200, 105198, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2021.105198.Tao, Y., S.~J. Conway, J.-P. Muller, A.~R.~D. Putri, N. Thomas, and G. Cremonese, (2021), Single Image Super-Resolution Restoration of TGO CaSSIS Colour Images: Demonstration with Perseverance Rover Landing Site and Mars Science Targets, Remote Sensing, 13, 1777, doi:10.3390/rs13091777.

Simioni, E., C. Re, T. Mudric, G. Cremonese, S. Tulyakov, A. Petrella, A. Pommerol, and N. Thomas, (2021), 3DPD: A photogrammetric pipeline for a PUSH frame stereo cameras, Planetary and Space Science, 198, 105165, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2021.105165.

Mandon, L., A. Parkes Bowen, C. Quantin-Nataf, J.~C. Bridges, J. Carter, L. Pan, P. Beck, E. Dehouck, M. Volat, N. Thomas, G. Cremonese, L.~L. Tornabene, and P. Thollot, (2021), Morphological and Spectral Diversity of the Clay-Bearing Unit at the ExoMars Landing Site Oxia Planum, Astrobiology, 21, 464, doi:10.1089/ast.2020.2292.

Munaretto, G., M. Pajola, G. Cremonese, C. Re, A. Lucchetti, E. Simioni, A.~S. McEwen, A. Pommerol, P. Becerra, S.~J. Conway, N. Thomas, and M. Massironi, (2020), Implications for the origin and evolution of Martian Recurring Slope Lineae at Hale crater from CaSSIS observations, Planetary and Space Science, 187, 104947, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2020.104947.

Re, C., S. Tulyakov, E. Simioni, T. Mudric, G. Cremonese, and N. Thomas, (2019), Performance Evaluation of 3DPD, the Photogrammetric Pipeline for the Cassis Stereo Images, ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4213, 1443, doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W13-1443-2019.

Tornabene, L.~L., F.~P. Seelos, A. Pommerol, N. Thomas, C.~M. Caudill, P. Becerra, J.~C. Bridges, S. Byrne, M. Cardinale, M. Chojnacki, S.~J. Conway, G. Cremonese, C.~M. Dundas, M.~R. El-Maarry, J. Fernando, C.~J. Hansen, K. Hansen, T.~N. Harrison, R. Henson, L. Marinangeli, A.~S. McEwen, M. Pajola, S.~S. Sutton, and J.~J. Wray, (2018), Image Simulation and Assessment of the Colour and Spatial Capabilities of the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, Space Science Reviews, 214, 18, doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0436-7.

Tulyakov, S., A. Ivanov, N. Thomas, V. Roloff, A. Pommerol, G. Cremonese, T. Weigel, and F. Fleuret, (2018), Geometric calibration of Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System of ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter, Advances in Space Research, 61, 487, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2017.10.025.

Thomas, N., and 60 colleagues, (2017), The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) for the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, Space Science Reviews, 212, 1897, doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0421-1.

Roloff, V., A. Pommerol, L. Gambicorti, A. Servonet, N. Thomas, M. Br{\"a}ndli, A. Casciello, G. Cremonese, V. Da Deppo, M. Erismann, I. Ficai Veltroni, M. Gerber, M. Gruber, P. Gubler, T. Hausner, M. Johnson, P. Lochmatter, E. Pel{\`o}, B. Sodor, S. Szalai, G. Troznai, D. Vernani, T. Weigel, R. Ziethe, and C. Zimmermann, (2017), On-Ground Performance and Calibration of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter CaSSIS Imager, Space Science Reviews, 212, 1871, doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0404-2.

Simioni, E., C. Re, T. Mudric, A. Pommerol, N. Thomas, and G. Cremonese, (2017), a Photogrammetric Pipeline for the 3d Reconstruction of Cassis Images on Board Exomars Tgo, ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 62W1, 133, doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-3-W1-133-2017.